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What Kinds of Events Can Use Oldies Music?

Entertainment is a must at any event, but what if you want to show off your taste in Oldies music?  Not only do you have to carefully pick whatever event you host, but you also have to check to see if your definition of Oldies matches everyone else’s!

These are the top events you can use Oldies music at, and what the definition for this type of music is!

What Music is Considered Oldies?

Although oldies may bring a specific time period to mind, it’s anything between the mid-1940s all the way through to the 1980s.  Stars like Michael Francis Sinatra are able to capture this sound and make it into gold with hit after hit and cover after cover in this style.

It’s generally crooner songs and ballads that are referred to as oldies, although you can still find some rock and blues referred to in this way.  Generally, anything that still has that vinyl crackle can be included!


Reunions, whether they’re family reunions or school reunions, can be an awesome place to play some oldies!  This is an awesome place for a cover band who can play the top hits from that era while also connecting with the crowd in the same electric way the original groups did.

Playing oldies at a reunion can quickly turn back time and leave everyone feeling just as young and energetic as they were when they first listened to this type of music.  Nostalgia is an incredible elixir for youth!


If you’re throwing an anniversary party for an older couple, it’s time to pull out whatever music would have been big the year they got married.  This means you can enjoy playing the 60s hits for any couples hitting their 60th anniversary this year!

This is a fun way to pull them back to who they were when they first got together and remind them of the feelings and excitement that they had for each other back then: and that they still hopefully can show each other now!

Retirement Parties

Retirement parties are an awesome time to play some Oldies.  Consider playing what songs were big on the radio when the retiree started at the company, and you can even tie in other things, like the most popular foods and movies, to make the party a lot of fun.  Just make sure not to make too many old jokes, as these can hurt some retirees’ feelings.

Themed Parties

Themed parties make Oldies a must!  Not only do they rock at 60s parties, but they can also make the entire event feel a little more magical and surreal.  Consider a specific year for your theme instead of the entire decade since the styles of the early 1960s and late 1960s are wildly different!  Although it can be fun to watch them at the same party.

Oldies Can Be Fun Any Time!

Whether you’re throwing a retirement party or a reunion, Oldies are a great way to help people connect with who they were.  Consider playing Oldies at your next event!

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