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Internet and Businesses

Free Email Services – Advantages and Disadvantages

An email address that is indispensable for using internet services and exchanging work.

There are several ways to get an email address, such as free email, provider email, mobile phone carrier email, etc. What kind of email do you usually use?

In this article, we will focus on free email and provider email, and explain in detail the advantages and disadvantages of each.

What is Free Email Services?

Free mail refers to services such as Gmail and Yahoo! Mail that allow you to obtain an email address (account) for free and exchange emails on the browser.

The e-mail address will be in the format of “account name @ domain name (@, @, etc.)”, and you can check whether it is a free e-mail in the domain name part.

Free mail is available free of charge, while carrier mail is subject to monthly usage charges. Some carriers state that the carrier mail fee is free, but in reality, Internet usage fees will be incurred. So if you consider the entire service, you will be charged. Also, carrier mail will not be available if you cancel your carrier. Unlike the phone number, it cannot be transferred to the transfer destination.

Without an email, you cannot register anywhere on the internet, and your communication might be limited.

Email account providers help provide users with an email address that can be used for registrations, communication, and verification. While professional and business email account providers might charge a fee, many free email account providers don’t.

If you switch carriers, you will no longer be able to use the carrier email you were using. If you normally use carrier email as a means of contact, you will need to contact us to change your email address.

Also, if you are using carrier email to register for various member sites, you need to change your registration.

Benefits of free email services

The advantage of free mail is “easiness” after all.

1. Anyone can create an email address for free
2. If you have an internet environment, you can send and receive emails with multiple browsers.

Anyone can easily get an e-mail address just by registering the desired account (the part before @) and password, so it will take almost no time to start using the service.

In addition, it is usually provided as “Webmail” that can be accessed with a browser, and if you have an internet environment, you can easily access it from the browser of multiple terminals such as PCs and smartphones, so complicated settings are also required. You can use it conveniently.

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Dangers and disadvantages hidden in free mail

It’s a free email that you can start easily, but on the other hand, you need to understand the dangers and disadvantages.

The disadvantages of free mail are expected to be as follows.

1. Personal information may be used for advertising business
2. Automatically distributed to junk mail
3. Data may disappear

Let’s take a closer look one by one.

Personal information may be used for advertising business

In order to provide an email service, it costs a lot of money to build and maintain the system, but it is possible to provide it for free.”Because we are monetizing in the advertising business”is.

Considering that personal information such as usage history and behavior patterns are collected and used for the advertising business, it is better to think that the cost of using it for free is large and privacy beyond the minimum necessary is not maintained. maybe.

It’s a well-known fact that if you’re not paying for a service then “you are the product being sold”. That’s not always true, but it is the case with some email services.

Recently, not only businesses that analyze user emails and deliver advertisements, but also businesses have placed the contents of emails in a searchable state, so in order to prevent leakage of confidential information, business operations Some companies have restricted the use of free email.

Since free mail is sent and received using a part of the webserver, you can access it from anywhere as long as you have a login ID and password, but if the login information is leaked, anyone can log in.

There are many phishing sites that try to obtain the ID and password illegally, and there are cases where another user can acquire the same account after the account is abolished. There is also a risk of leaking personal information such as your name and phone number.

It will be automatically sorted to junk mail

Free mail is mechanically censored in the body of the mail, which eliminates junk mail such as spam before it reaches the user.

If important transaction notifications or transaction confirmation emails are regarded as spam, they will be automatically sorted into junk emails and automatically deleted after a few days, so you will always have the emails at hand. It will not be delivered.

Data may disappear

If you do not log in for a certain period of time, your saved emails may be deleted or your account may be deleted.

The business operator is basically not responsible for any troubles such as the server going down, reception delay, or mail disappearing. In some cases, the service was suddenly terminated and the saved emails disappeared.

Bonus Tip: It is necessary to take measures such as logging in regularly and taking backups. Download your mailbox folders locally if you are using free email services. Advik Email Backup Wizard is one of the best utility to save emails to computer without facing any error. The software allows you to backup Gmail emails to computer, yahoo mail, office 365 and many more. You can take regular backup and save the backup file in flash drive, hard drive or any other storage devices.

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Free Email Vs Carrier Services

Recently, there are increasing opportunities to contact by methods other than email, such as LINE. Until a few years ago, there were many services that could only be registered by carrier email, but recently, such services have decreased.

However, on feature phones, free emails are considered junk emails and are easily blocked. If you frequently exchange emails with people using feature phones, it may be smoother to use carrier emails.

In addition, in the case of free mail, the business operator is not responsible for any troubles such as the loss of mail data.

In that respect, with carrier mail, there is no need to worry about the service ending suddenly. Therefore, if you want to save important emails, it is safer to use carrier emails.

Bottom Line

Encryption is a way to obscure email data. Any website with https in its URL is using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to keep data you send secure as it travels from your computer to the website’s server. SSL provides a way for your computer to guarantee that data it sends to and receives is encrypted. Almost all websites you visit regularly will have SSL enabled to protect users against getting their passwords or form input stolen by someone “tapping the line.” The same goes for email data: Sending an email over an encrypted network means scrambling the plain text content of the email so it’s impossible to read without what’s called an encryption key, which functions like a password.

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