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Principles of assessment in Learning

Academic assessment is the profound process of using evidence-based research and Learning to understand and improve the education standards of the students. However, these assessments are made based on some principles. These principles work as a reference for the academicians and the researchers to set proper guidelines for the students and help them learn better and more vividly. The university councils must abide by these principles and offer their utmost cooperation while selecting assessment and reporting methods. These methods are appropriate and used to discipline the students of the university. But, what are these principles? What must we know about them? Well, for that, hold and read till the end.

Assessment is an integral part of the teaching-learning process which serves a variety of purposes like diagnostic, achievement, progress, etc. Yet, the primary purpose of assessment remains to support learning. Indeed, research tell that there is a strong connection between assessment practice and students’ success.

Principle 1: Validity

Assessments require clear goals and a high communication level. Therefore, those who build high assessment levels must communicate well and share a similar and refined focus. Shared communication and guide will help in the assessment validity. In addition, these individuals must be clear thinkers, and the outcome of their thinking must be well adopted by the students. Along with the assessment process, the students must also adopt and understand the result evaluation procedure. For example people take help from online to truth table generator just for be surety of answers. In short, the assessments need to be valid. And it needs to be set in such a manner that the students can achieve it.

Principle 2 Reliability

Along with validity, the assessment procedure must also be reliable. The achievable and the awards must be described adequately by the university faculty and the qualification descriptor. Such revelations show that the university is reliable and its assessment procedure is valid. Along with the award and qualification revelations, all the university policies must also be reasonable and not state anything against the Education Board. The University’s external examiner system would further maintain these policies. And all the external examiners must report on the University’s assessment reliability.

Principle 3 Equitable

Every University has different assessment methods for other subjects. At the same time, different learning styles must be included for each course in the assessment procedures. This diversity of knowledge must be there to allow the students to engage themselves with various knowledge procedures. And help themselves demonstrate their knowledge, their skills, and their understanding. Universities also must understand that they need to include multiple assessment procedures for students with disabilities and other distinct needs. And must ensure that the students with such special needs are receiving what they require.

Principle 4 Transparency

Transparency is a must while the universities are setting or reviewing their assessment patterns. Before the students receive any task, teachers should inform the students of the study’s purpose and requirement. Along with that, professors should also mention the assessment criteria to the students. This process helps the students to understand their achievable. The professors also must provide clear feedbacks while handing the students out the result of their tasks. This feedback will help students understand how much they have understood their course and how much they need to understand. The Universities must also provide clear information on the course and assignment policies.

Principle 5 Support student learning process

All assessments and tasks are a way of helping students with their learning procedures. Therefore, while designing the assessment tasks, sometimes students take external help like pay someone to take my test in person this must be taken into account. Furthermore, every student must receive timely feedback, and the outcome of their assignment must be aligned with the input. By doing so, the students will understand their academic shortcomings and improve themselves with their last projects. And this rule is applied for all the assigned tasks and all examinations.

Principle 6 Assessments will be enough

Assessments should be enough for students. All the learning outcomes should not be overly assessed and must not burden students with their course assignments. The sole purpose of assessment is to help students. And help students understand how they are doing in their classroom. At the same time, the assessments must allow students to sample their knowledge and make the best use of these assessments in their later lives.

Along with students, assessments also help teachers. Checks let the teachers understand how their teachings are assisting the students in understanding the lessons. And they also help teachers to know where the students lag and need assistance to learn better.

Principle 7 Assessment must be monitored annually

University must monitor the assessment and its effectiveness once every year. Monitoring will help the monitoring board to understand whether the assessments are consistent with the principles of the University. The results of the monitoring should be reported to the university board through an annual report.  And the university board, along with the external examiners, will further conduct a meeting based on the assessment report. The consistency and the assessment outcomes will be reviewed in this meeting, maintaining all the principles. And the need for any change will be further discussed in this review meeting.

Principle 8 Staff must undertake their responsibility

The staff who are involved in the review process and sending the annual report must be responsible enough. Assessment process review requires extreme experience. Hence, the employees must also have enough knowledge to understand whether the assessment processes need any change or not. Even if they do, the review committee members must be experienced enough to tell the exact areas of assessment that require changing. And how the changes should be implemented and how they would benefit the education standard of the University. The staff should also explain how these changes will bring positive changes in the learning procedure of the students.

Principle 9 Encourage self-assessment

Along with all these above principles, another principle is fundamental for the role of assessment in academia. That is the encouragement of self-assessment of the students by the professors and the teachers. The students must learn to self-assess themselves to understand how much they are learning in their classroom. In addition, some assessments bring forth the students’ ability to disgorge their assignments and what they have learnt. Therefore, self-assessment lets them understand whether they have understood their topic of projects or they are just mugging it up for the sole purpose of passing their assignment.

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Parting Words

It is understood the principles of assessment in Learning helps to increase the standard of education in the universities. Apart from that, the guides also help the teachers and professors understand how much their teaching is positively affecting the students. And what changes should be brought to their teaching process if the students do not understand their teaching methods or the modules? These principles also help the students to understand their curriculum correctly. The regulations also help the students understand their shortcomings and where they need more focus through assignment outcomes and self-assessments. These principles are helping the assessment procedure in academia stand erect and firm.


Sylar lucas is an academic author and a professor. He is also associated with, where he offers tutoring help to students. In addition to this, Sylar also likes to sing and play the guitar in his leisure time.

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