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Laying Down Poses for Relaxing Before Bed

Want to relax before you sleep?

We have the list of laying down pose for yoga that can help you overcome the exhaustion of all day during work or study.

Get ready to have a good sleep!

The laying down pose is beneficial in helping to sleep better and improves metabolism and reduces your stress level.

Starting here.

Legs up the wall:

Also known as Viparita Karani, is another laying down pose that does not need a great deal of strength or flexibility. It helps to maintain a peaceful mind and body, as well as to reduce tension and promote self-healing. Lowering one’s heart rate can help with insomnia, tension, and worry.

If you’re having trouble sleeping, the legs up the wall posture is a great method to clear your mind and sink into a deep slumber. Other advantages of this inversion posture include improved digestion and circulation, as well as relief from back pain, fatigued legs, headaches, and migraines

To offer support in this yoga posture before night, lay a pillow under your hips or head. To begin, keep your hips as near to the wall as possible. You can do the same thing with your headboard. Then, pull both legs up against the wall and place your arms to the sides. You may also execute this stance while sitting in a chair. Choose what is most convenient for you.

The Seated Spinal Twist:

Also known as Ardha Matsyendrasana, is one of the sitting postures that helps extend your upper body, including your neck, shoulders, hips, and back. Moreover, helps in the relief, the improvement of digestion, the expansion of flexibility, lower back discomfort and the promotion of more restful sleep. Simply sit on a folded blanket, stretch your legs in front of you, and lay your palm on your thighs to do this restorative yoga posture.

After bending your right knee, cross your right leg over and place your foot close to your left thigh. Then, bend your left knee and maintain your left ankle next to your right glute. The right foot should stay on the ground.

Forward Fold While Seated:

If you’re seeking for sitting positions that can help you sleep better, seated forward fold should be on your list. This yoga practise, also known as sitting forward bend or Paschimottanasana, serves to stretch not just your hamstrings but also your lower back. Because it is so soothing, it can help you reduce tension and improve your mood. This yoga stance also signifies letting go, so let go of whatever stress you’re experiencing and sleep like a baby.

To begin the sitting forward fold posture, find a comfortable seat, stretch your legs in front of you, push your heels to the floor, and flex your feet. Inhale next to extend your arms up over your head and Breathe out and lean forward, not at the waist, but towards your hips. Hold your feet firmly to maintain your stance. Depending on your existing range, you can hold your shins or ankles. If you have a towel or a yoga strap, wrap it over your feet while hanging on to it for extra comfort and grip.

Reclined bound angle:

Reclined bound angle, also known as Supta Baddha Konasana or Reclined Goddess posture, is a pose that can help you sleep better by calming your mind and body. Stretch your inner thighs, knees, shoulders, and muscles, which helps to relieve stress in your body. It not only alleviates weariness, sleeplessness, and moderate depression, but it also aids in blood pressure regulation.

Practicing the laying down pose before sleep can help you get a sound sleep and wakeup refreshed!

Intermediate Yoga Poses for Two People:

Another way to relax yourself by yoga is to have a nice partner with you.

Isn’t it amazing to have a partner with the same goal?

Here we have a few number of yoga poses for two people.

Intermediate yoga poses for two people may be the ideal answer if you and your mate are seeking for a fun and difficult approach to work out together.

These postures demand balance, and strength, so you’ll be working hard while still having fun. T these positions are adaptive to any level of skill, so don’t be scared to attempt them!

Let’s begin!

 Camel as a partner:

This is an excellent back opener. Kneel on the ground and lay your partner’s hands on your lower back. Your partner has to lean again and raise their chest to the heavens. You can do this up to five deep breaths.

The Shoelace pose:

This position needs a lot of upper body power, yet it opens the chest and strengthens the arms and legs. Begin in mountain pose with your feet together, then step back into a lunge with your right leg until your knee is touching the ground.

In this pose, your partner should stand behind you and grip your wrists or forearms, pulling them up and parallel with the ground. Try not to rely too heavily on your front leg; instead go for balance.

Seated Twist:

This position is excellent for extending the spine and easing back stiffness. Here, you sit with your legs crossed in front of you, then you can twist your upper body to the right while maintaining your left hand on the floor behind you for support. For some breaths keep this before coming back to the middle and continuing another side.

Pose with a Reclined Bound Angle:

This is a nice resting position that you may use at the conclusion of your practise or whenever you need to take a break. Allow your companion to lie down on their back, the must be legs bent and feet flat on the ground.

The triangle pose:

Begin in a mountain posture, with one foot in front of the other. Maintain a flat back while bending at the hips until your body is parallel to the ground, keeping an eye on where your front foot points if it isn’t looking straight ahead.

Continue till some breaths, then swap sides by putting your left foot out in front and bending towards the right side.

Isn’t it fun?

Practice these with your favourite person to get better at your posture and reduce all your stress and worries.

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