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Email Marketing: Create an Effective Email in 2022!

We agree, we receive a large amount of email every day. Email Marketing Agency Mohali
The challenge is therefore to stand out while respecting the rules of emailing. We have prepared some best practices for you so that you can create campaigns that are a hit!

Emailing is a real marketing lever for your company. It is as effective in the context of your customer loyalty as in that of winning new customers. According to various studies, emailing is the preferred channel for Internet users to interact with brands, ahead of social networks! Some figures to meditate:

  • 75% of people visit a store to buy a product or service promoted in the email
  • 76% of newsletter subscribers claim to have purchased a product or service online by clicking on the link in the email
  • 4400% is the estimated return on investment of email marketing

Not bad is not it ?
Alright, let’s go for some tips!

Who, when and how?

Who are your recipients?

In other words, who is your target ? Its very important ! Today, the emails that work are those that are personalized and tailored to targeted contacts. Take the time to look at and analyze your list of contacts: who are they? Where are they ? What do they need? What do they like ?
We are talking about segmentation . In your contact database, not everyone has the same expectations and needs. You may not be at the same stage in your relationship either. You are not going to address your customers in the same way as your prospects, for example. Segmenting your contacts allows you to personalize your emails and therefore obtain better results!

Create and manage content

In this approach, the creation of content (content marketing) becomes crucial: posts, news, videos, e-books… It can be done internally by a person with a good knowledge of the “customer experience” in their profession. , interested in social networks. Or entrusted to the outside (freelance or agency). The content optimization part for a good referencing on search engines (SEO, search engine optimization) can also be carried out internally, after a short training; or outsourced to freelancers or a web agency, which may also recommend the purchase of keywords.

Pick the right time!

There are times during the day when we are more available and above all connected . Your segmentation has allowed you to determine your target, Email Marketing Agency Mohali now you have to put yourself in their shoes to choose the timing of your sending.
The day : As a general rule (according to studies), the preferred days are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
It should not be made a rule to follow absolutely. The best solution is to experiment and see which day works best based on your targets.
Time: at what time do I send my email? Great question. It’s the same as for the day, it is essential to do tests, analyze your statistics and determine the ideal moment always according to your target.

Think responsive!

From what media do your contacts view their emails? Smartphone , tablet , computer …? It will depend on the time of day. We come back to the concept of ATAWAD. Choose a responsive design format , i.e. one that will be readable on all screens. Today, we also talk about mobile first . The mobile has taken a lot of space in our habits. Our phone is always at hand when it is necessary to “kill time” whether in transport, during a break, Email Marketing Agency Mohali or between 2 appointments. And it is felt at the level of emails: 61% of Internet users read their emails on a smartphone (which represents more than 23 million people in France).

On the other hand, Studies Prove that Internet users will increasingly buy via their phone. It would be a shame to miss it!
ps: Don’t forget to test your email on different screens including your phone before sending it.

Subject, sender and intro

A well-thought-out and impactful object

This is a trigger for opening the email! Don’t neglect your thinking time. It should be neither too short nor too long to work. This is the “ teaser ”! So, just keep the little touch of mystery you need. The style of your object will depend on your target . It’s up to you to see if you opt for a fun, offbeat, conventional, Email Marketing Agency Mohali promotional item…
Don’t hesitate to personalize it! You can even add Emojis.
Ps: Be careful not to use terms considered SPAMS .

Your sender name

Customizing your sender field is a good option. Today, we are all very suspicious with emails, particularly because of cyber attacks. Reassuring your receiver is important! For example, you can use a nominative sender : Laura from “your company name” or Laura – “your company name”. You’ll have a better chance of getting attention .

The Pre-Header

Still too ignored or left out, yet it is an opening factor for your email. This is the sentence that follows the subject of your email.

Your content

Thoughtful writing

Do you read your emails completely? Many of us are skimming. Our eyes are drawn to certain words, Email Marketing Agency Mohali shapes or colors. In short, we scan the content. So you have to find a way to capture attention. Start with airy content , headlines and clear messages . Do not forget to illustrate with photos or images.

We deliver integrated marketing solutions that drive more customers, revenue, and profitability.

The Call-To-Action

It’s a call-to-action button . It is often composed of an action verb, for example:
“I’m going for it”, “I’m discovering”…
Think carefully about the text of your button: its position, its size, its color! All this plays on your conversion rate *.

The landing page

It is on this page that your contact lands when he clicks on your Call To Action. In other words, it is a landing page . It is created specifically for an action and is linked to your website most of the time. It will summarize the offer very simply and will also be there to provide added value . The goal is to lead the contact to the conversion tunnel *. That is to say, that he goes as far as the action you expected of him, such as buying a product via your site for example. Because yes the goal of a landing page is to convert ! Ideally, you should create a specific landing page for each campaign.

A/B testing

This involves testing your campaigns by making 2 versions of your email. You only change one factor between the 2 such as: the object, the button, a color, your sending time… Take a sample of people with the same profile. Split your list into 2 groups and determine which group you send your version A and version B to . All you have to do is compare the performance of your 2 campaigns and choose the one that worked best. This is one of the best ways to optimize your campaigns .

Avoid being a SPAM: 3 tips

  1. Don’t forget the unsubscribe link

It is mandatory ! It allows people who no longer want to receive your emails to unsubscribe. Make sure it is clearly visible. As a rule it is located at the bottom of the page.

  1. Respect the text > images ratio

You may have noticed that mailboxes do not necessarily display images automatically. So keep in mind that an email made up of images only will appear empty. Sometimes you have to click a button to allow images to appear. When an email contains too many images, it is considered spam.

  1. Send only to people who have given their consent

Send your mailings to people who have given their permission. Otherwise, your recipients will flag you as SPAM. This will negatively impact your sender reputation. Finally, care must be taken to remain in compliance with the regulations on personal data (GDPR), by only approaching customers who have given their consent (opt-in) and allowing them to access the content of their registration.

We deliver integrated marketing solutions that drive more customers, revenue, and profitability.

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